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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

Year 7 Girls Football 

The Year 7 girls' football team headed to Charnwood College, in their first ever tournament, to take on Loughborough High School, Limehurst Academy and Charnwood College.

The girls arrived under the expert eyes of Ms Briers, Mr Moore and Ms Benson and were clearly a little apprehensive at the prospect of facing the High School first.

The game started well and Emily Walrond, Casey Winnett and Fran Hodgkins were full of energy, running and pressure in midfield. With the skilful Amelia Griffin up front we always looked dangerous but conceded soft goals at key moments. Finding ourselves 4 nil down against the run of play a late consolation goal from Emily, after intricate linkup play with Amelia added an injection of confidence into the girls. In spite of a 4-1 reverse, the girls were in good spirits and thoroughly enjoyed their first taste of competition in a WBVS shirt.

Game 2 and a few positional changes saw Kim Clare come out of goal and into defence and Jessica Orton taking over the goalkeeping duties. This was a piece of tactical genius from Ms Briers, as we were never to concede another goal after this switch. WBVS were now solid at the back with Kim and Amarie Tedds looking like Steph Houghton and Casey Stoney!!! If the pairing were beaten Jess provided some superb saves and quality distribution. Some great pressing from Fran saw her pinch the ball off a Limehurst defender and then smash a left foot drive home from an acute angle. There was hardly any reaction or celebration from the girls as they almost didn't believe that they had taken the lead. Megan Aherne joined the fray now and the energy in the team was superb. We created and missed numerous chances before a great ball from Casey sent Amelia through one on one with the keeper and she hammered the ball home. Job done, 2-0 win and the girls were flying now.

Final game against Charnwood, who had looked dangerous throughout. The team was running like a finely tuned engine now and began with confidence, power and purpose. The linkup play was improving all the time and the work rate was first class. Once again Fran's non stop running created herself a chance and a quality left foot finish gave us the lead. Charnwood had a real danger player and Emily intelligently decided to man mark her and blunted her threat. Amelia was now looking lively up front and the passing from the midfielders had more intent and precision. Another great finish from Amelia and one from Emily sealed a comprehensive 3-0 victory and secured the girls' second place in the tournament.

The girls were superb from game 1 and it was great to see them learn and progress rapidly through the tournament. So many positives throughout the team: Jess Orton was outstanding in goal, Kim Clare and Amarie Tedds both rock solid in defence, Emily Walrond, Fran Hodgkins, Casey Winnett and Megan Aherne full of energy, pace and passing in midfield. However my player of the tournament goes to Amelia Griffin who led from the front and grew massively as the game progressed. Well done to all the girls and to the coaches Ms Briers and Ms Benson.