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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

Anti Bullying Week

This week the students and staff at Woodbrook Vale School have been celebrating anti-bullying week. Throughout this week we have been raising awareness of bullying and promoting this year’s theme ‘all different all equal’ through a number of different activities. 

The year 11 prefects have been selling the official anti-bullying wristbands to students during tutor time for a number of weeks. We are really pleased to see a large number of our students and staff wearing these with pride. All proceeds from the sales of these wristbands go to the anti-bullying alliance to fund further work.

In the lead up to anti-bullying week, tutor groups have been competing in different anti-bullying competitions. In the first week, students were asked to look at facts about bullying and choose which statistics applied to these facts. In the second week, students were given descriptions of celebrities who were all different all equal and find the celebrity that the description matched. In the third week, students were asked to draw themselves and celebrate what makes them different. Finally in the final week, students were asked to predict how many anti-bullying wristbands had been sold. 

In the theme of all different all equal, ‘Out in Education’, a non profit organisation from Loughborough University, have delivered assemblies to all students during anti-bullying week. During these assemblies students were educated about what homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying is and how to challenge the language associated with this. 

On Tuesday, students were invited to have their photo taken to show their support to anti-bullying. Students wore their wristbands with pride and also made anti-bullying pledges. 

In French, students have been making posters with the theme all different all equal.

In Maths, year 8 students have been creating questionnaires about bullying. They have then been representing their data in bar charts, pictograms and pie charts. 

See the photo gallery here.