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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

GCSE Results Day 2020 - Update

We have updated the information regarding the issuing of GCSE results on Thursday 20 August. We have held back on providing this update as there have been quite a few changes in the past few weeks and we wanted to make sure the information was as up-to-date as possible. We still can’t guarantee there will be no small amendments to the current government policy between now and Thursday.

You will have seen in the press that the production of calculated grades for A-level students had a few issues last week. DO NOT WORRY! There have been some changes in government policy since then and we have been in touch with local post-16 providers who understand the issues.

The current government guidance (17 August) is that the overall subject grade you will receive will be the best grade from either the exam board calculated grade or your school centre-assessed grades. Your school centre-assessed grades were decided by using your classwork, assessments, mocks, bookwork and even incomplete tasks, assignments and coursework. We provided these to the exam boards in May.

The Department for Education announcement from 17 August states that “On Thursday schools and colleges will inform students of their GCSE centre assessment grades, and official results will be released to students next week.” At Woodbrook Vale, we are ready to issue the centre-assessed grades on results day but are awaiting further clarification on the process regarding what the DfE are describing as ‘official results’.

Arrangements for Results Day Thursday 20 August

You will be able to collect your results, in person, from school between 9.30 am and 10.30am on Thursday. We are staggering arrival times to allow for social distancing, but please note we DO want to see you, so even if you cannot make the exact timeslot, please come anyway. Unfortunately, parents and relatives will not be allowed onto school site.

9.30am Surnames A-G

9.40am Surnames H - M

9.50am Surnames N- S

10.00am Surnames T- Z

You should enter through Main Reception to collect your results in the Canteen. You will need to sign to say you have collected your results and also give permission for your post-16 provider to keep us updated about the course you are on. We will also have the Year Book available to collect on that day.

If for any reason you are unable to attend, you'll need to tell us in advance. Please email Mrs Perry at for further advice. If you do not collect your results, then we will hold them for a week and then will send them by post to the address we hold for you. The school will be open until 12.00pm on results day, where staff will be available for advice, should you need it. Please note no one else can pick up your results for you unless you have given your written permission.

It is likely your post-16 provider will have contacted you in advance to advise you of their procedure but it is important that you allow time in your day to confirm your place on your chosen post-16 course. You will have the information from your provider but we will provide the information for all post-16 providers on results day just in case. This year most providers are not seeing students face-to-face and are using an online method for students to confirm their places with a paper-based back-up system where Internet access is an issue.

We are collecting donations of good quality, clean school uniform that you will no longer need, in particular ties, blazers, and PE kit. Please bring anything you have in a bag and drop it in to the boxes provided in reception. We can also make use of any textbooks and revision guides you still have. Please place them in the boxes in reception and we will manage everything in a Covid–safe manner.

We wish you every success in the future and encourage you to keep in touch. We would like to know what you go on to study, what results you get and eventually what careers you pursue.

I am available on Thursday along with other staff should you have any queries.

Yours faithfully,

Mr P Hynes 

Deputy Headteacher
