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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

Anti-bullying Week 2020

Year 7 created some phenomenal, artistic and well-educated pledges to stand against bullying. 

The year 7 students also focused on Cyber bullying, assessing story-board scenarios and online situations, providing well informed advice using new definitions learnt. These scenarios directly address any concerns the Year 7's report. Therefore problem solving any possible scenarios maturely and independently.

Well done to Year 7 for a fantastic turn out for odd socks day raising awareness of bullying and a fantastic cohort approach and attitude towards #UnitedAgainstBullying

Year 8 students were given the opportunity to express their thoughts on the topic through the form of poetry. Having read several examples, and discussed ways in which to translate their ideas into written form, students then put pen to paper. The outcome was an array of wonderful work, with poignant and thought-provoking messages. Well done Year 8!

The theme during Anti-Bullying week for Year 9 has been “speak out”. We have been discussing ways to prevent bullying and how to help others who may be affected by bullying issues. We have also been watching some empowering videos related to the importance of speaking up and speaking out. Well done to all for your powerful anti bullying pledges. Year 9 I am proud of you all

Year 10 pulled together and have created an amazing video to share their thoughts on bullying, and the importance of being united.

Tutors collectively planned the whole concept and students got involved, with each form creating their own message for the video. A special thanks to Mr Worth and Miss Griffiths (ITT student) for designing the united jigsaw pieces, and another special thanks to Mr Shah (ITT student) for editing the video whilst self- isolating!

A great team effort by all, I am extremely proud of the Year 10 cohort for their enthusiasm and participation, as well as the excellent Anti-Bullying video they have created.