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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School


All students and staff have the right to safety, security and to be treated fairly. No one in our community has the right to be hurtful towards other people.

The Department for Education defines bullying as:

“Behaviour by an individual or group, repeatedly over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group.”

To help us understand what bullying is, we often use the acronym STOP:





If the hurtful behaviour is happening several times, is on purpose and there is an imbalance of power, this would be defined as bullying. 

For further advice on how to deal with bullying, please see the list of useful documents using the links on the right, particularly Woodbrook Vale School’s anti-bullying policy.

For further information and support about Anti-Bullying across Leicestershire, please visit 

Anti-bullying Feedback

Please leave any feedback regarding the anti-bullying policy and charter below


Useful Documents