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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

Media Studies

Media includes the study of television, film, newspapers, magazines, radio, advertising and pop music. To complete this course you will study a range of media and complete three assignments that focus on advertising, film promotion and practical production where you will create a film trailer or music video. During this course you will gain skills in analysis, design, image production, word processing, marketing, research, journalistic techniques, filming and editing.

Teaching strategies

Media Studies will be taught for three lessons a week. You will be expected to be selfmotivated and have an enquiring mind. Much of the course will be based around your own research and areas of interest. In addition to filming, web-design and editing, the course does have a large written element and will require a commitment to meeting deadlines and a hardworking attitude.


All students will study a linear course for two years. The course is comprised of two one and a half hour exams (70%) and a piece of coursework (30%)

Component one

Exploring the Media

One and a half hours

40% of the qualification

80 marks

In this component students study a mixture of media texts. For example: James Bond, newspapers, advertising, magazines, video games, radio and answer stepped questions. Writing and comparative skills are important, along with analytical skills.

Component two

Understanding Media forms and products

One and a half hours

30% of the qualification

60 marks

In this component students study moving image. This includes music videos and crime fiction. For example: Luther, series one episode one and music videos and websites such as Katy Perry, Bruno Mars and Duran Duran. Note making and analysis are important skills for this paper.

Component three

Creating Media Products

30% of the qualification

60 marks

Students research and create a media text. For example: create three pages of a new teenage magazine or a DVD box and film poster. Other options can be a website, intro to a new TV show or a music video.

For further details about Media Studies speak to Ms Cellupica or Mrs Harvey

Beyond GCSE

GCSE Media Studies is a very popular course. The media industry is a large and growing area for employment and there are now many media based courses at colleges and universities.

Find out more

You can visit the Eduqas website for the specification.