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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

LGBTQ+ Animation ​​​​​​​

For LGBTQ+ History Month, one of our students, Oscar Walker Brooks in 9IC, planned and produced a video animation for our LGBTQ+ assembly.

In his spare time, Oscar creates a series of video animations over music, featuring an array of characters. Oscar would love to have a career in animation in the future and has always been inspired by ‘Storytime’ on YouTube, where animations are created based on real life stories.

Oscar’s original idea for LGBTQ+ History Month was to create a slide show presentation with small gif-like images that popped up per slide but decided that his passion for animation could shine with this project, so he got underway with planning an animation-based story.

The final animation features set of characters who discuss the LGBTQ+ Community, sexuality and ways of approaching the topic. The animation has been shown to students during assembly and Oscar has had some great feedback. Well done Oscar!